Siding Track

As I have been working on track for my new layout depicting Norridgewock, I have modified atlas code 83 flextrack to better represent siding track. The technique I used os hardly very new or original. To modify the track,  I cut every tie apart from the other ties with a small saw, keeping the ties attached to the rails. I then removed every fifth tie from the peice of flextrack. The resulting track looks much more realistic for lightly layed track. I think that this technoque is worth the effort, especially for a smaller layout.

A picture of the track in the process of being modified. From left to right, there is a section of original track, track with every fifth tie removed, and track where the ties have been spread out. At the top of the image is the saw that I used to cut the ties.

A length of the modified track is shown once installed on the layout. The modified track is in the center of the image.
