I know that I said that this post would not be as wordy as the last post, but it will nearly be as wordy. Hopefully it will be readable and a few people will read through it. On my last post, I recieved a comment suggesting that I build modules based on my own standards rather than free-mo standards. This, I think, is a very good idea, and I will probably use this idea for the layout that I am planning. I guess that this idea should have been a fairly obvious one as I have been looking at various modular designs, but I somehow got stuck limiting myself only to free-mo, and I was unable to think abput any other options than freemo modules or a shelf layout. I think that a modular approach with standards set by myself would proabably be the best available option for what I'm generally planning at the moment. While I had previously thought that freemo would be the only modular option, I started having doubts that that approach to model railroading would work for me while writing t...