Lac Frontiere, P.Q.

I've finally come to a decision about what location to model. This doesn't necessarily mean that I have any concrete idea as to a layout plan - in fact, I have no particular ideas as regards layout design for this. Nonetheless, it's good to have finally concluded where to model: Lac Frontiere, P.Q. (I use P.Q. to abbreviate Quebec rather than QC). Lac Frontiere, for those who do no know, was the end of a Quebec central railway branch and is located right along the border with Maine, near the headwaters of the St. John River, and next to Lac Frontiere. You can (hopefully) see a map here.

Lac Frontiere was at the end of a branchline of the Quebec Central Railway, which was later bought by CP Rail (Canadian Pacific at the time). By the mid 1970s, my era of interest for the layout, the QC was operated with CP Rail locomotives and rolling stock, which fits well with my interest in CP Rail. Lac Frontiere was never intended to be the terminus of the line - rather, the line was intended to loop up to New Brunswick to connect with the Temiscouata Railway (at least that is my understanding of it).

Facilities in town consisted of (as far as I can tell) a pulpwood siding, a team track, and a passing siding. From some research on google maps, it appears that the station area in Lac Frontiere was located south of the bridge over the Saint John river, but if anyone has better information, please leave a comment with that information. I haven't done very extensive research of the location, other than to determine that is a feasible location to model.

For now, I still have to do more research about the location. If anyone knows of any resources about the QC online, then please comment on this post to tell me. I also don't mind if this information is in French.

I can't elaborate much on any plans for a layout based on this location, other than that it will have to fit in a roughly 11 foot long location. As this location isn't immediately relevant to modeling Maine railroads, I don't know if I will keep writing about it on this blog. This is not a question of whether or not my next layout will be blogged about, but whether it should be kept on this blog or not. The QC in Lac Frontiere is only not a Maine railroad by about 1000 feet, but it's still not a Maine railroad, and I somewhat think that it deserves it's own blog. on the other hand, Modeling Maine Railroads has a bit of a readership by now, and I am hesitant to stop maintaining it as my primary blog. Again, feel free to comment about what you think (your opinion is valued). In addition, blogger is starting to be a bit disappointing with it's tendency to get cluttered, so I might switch over to wordpress, as it often seems like it is cleaner and looks better than blogger, at least in my opinion.

I have also started working on annotating a map of Lac Frontiere to reflect what I know about the QC there. You can view the map here. If you see anything on it that you know to be wrong, comment on this post and I will gladly add any information that you have.


  1. Keep with the one blog, Sam.


    1. That's what I was more inclined to do, but it's nice to here someone elses opinion. Modeling Maine Railroads will now include Quebec railroads as well.



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