Benchwork Pt. 2

Yetserday evening and this morning I manged to get a lot of benchwork completed. I assembled the frames for the two longest sections of benchwork for the layout that I am building. The fames are just plain open grid frames made from one by three lumber. The frames went together fairly quickly and easily. I had some difficulties with the fame of the larger section as the lumber for those section was somewhat warped. It all went together and turned out fairly square in the end, however.

Assembling the first corner of the smaller benchwork section that I built.

Building the first corner of the larger benchwork section. The benchwork is held rogether by two wood screws screwed in at the corners.

Attaching a crossbrace piece to the center of the larger scerion of benchwork. This was fairly difficult as the two long wood pieces were warped and had to be held very firmly in order rhat they would lie flat and the joint woth the crosspiece would be square.

The finished larger section of benchwork.

All three finsihed benchwork sections awaiting the attachment of legs.

I am hoping to have benchwork finished and foam board attached by the middle of the week so that I can work on laying track over Thanksgiving break.


  1. Coming along nicely, Sam.

    It's a shame that you don't have the space for Penobscot Street Spur, as that was a really interesting concept.


    1. Simon,

      While I was disappointed that the Penobscot Street Spur could not fit in this space, the space will allow me to build a slightly larger layout with better modeling opportunities, so I think that the change in layout plans will be for the best in the end.



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