Scratchbuilding a Potato House - Part 3

More progress on the potato house this evening. I attached floors to the main part of the structure, cut and glued styrene strip to represent the large concrete blocks that supported the prototype structure, and primed all the styrene parts of the structure with cheap gray craft paint. The next step will be to paint the entire structure with good quality paint. The walls will be painted grey and the freight doors painted dark green based on prototype photos.

Floors were made out of .020 inch styrene sheet to allow the concrete piers to be attached to the structure. The floors also provide additional stability for the structure.

Half of the concrete blocks attached to the floors. The blocks are roughly two scale feet high by eight scale inches wide. They are placed roughly six to seven scale feet apart.

The rest of the concrete blocks attached.

All of the styrene surfaces on the building were painted with some cheap gray craft paint that I had on hand. I just brush painted the paint as I don't have any facilities for airbrushing or spray painting. At any rate, since this coat of paint is only for primer, it doesn't matter that it looks really bad and that the brush strokes are quite obvious.

I also primed the styrene siding on the walls of the potato house.  I'm hoping to give the structure a coat of good paint tomorrow, and I got new brushes the other day when I got new knife blades. With the styrene primed, it shouldn't take very long to get good, even, paint coverage over the entire structure.
